Autorespond REST API

Rest API for Autorespond


Administration - Get API Version

Get the current version of the API.

Success 200

Field Type Description
version String

The current version of the API

Administration - Get All Fields

Get all defined fields within an administration, both free fields as standard fields


Field Type Description
admin Number

administration id of caller (used as authentication)

key String

administration API access key of caller (used as authentication)

Success 200

Field Type Description
fields Object

[ { code, name, type, options[] } ]

Error 4xx

Name Description

An error message.

Administration - Get All Tags

Get all defined tags within an administration.


Field Type Description
admin Number

administration id of caller (used as authentication)

key String

administration API access key of caller (used as authentication)

Success 200

Field Type Description
tags Object

[ { id, name } ]

Error 4xx

Name Description

An error message.

Administration - Load Admin

Load an administration with the given id{id}


Field Type Description
id Number

ID of admin to fetch

admin Number

administration id of caller (used as authentication)

key String

administration API access key of caller (used as authentication)

Success 200

Field Type Description
admin Object

{ company_id, accessCode, serviceLevel, locked, adminName, adminEmail}

Error 4xx

Name Description

An error message.


ListManagers - Show Listmanagers

Returns a complete list of listmanagers within an administration


Field Type Description
admin Number

administration id of caller (used as authentication)

key String

administration API access key of caller (used as authentication)

Success 200

Field Type Description
list Object

List of listmanagers [ { id, name, category, code, groupId } ]

Error 4xx

Name Description

An error message.

ListManagers - Start Listmanager with GDPR Data

Start a listmanager for the given relation including GDPR consent (new EU privacy regulations){listId}/gdpr_subscribe


Field Type Description
listId Number

id of listmanager to start

relId Number

id of relation for whom the listmanager is started

skipOptin String

if set to 'Y', skip the optin step

admin Number

administration id of caller (used as authentication)

key String

administration API access key of caller (used as authentication)

privacyText String

text of privacy remark on the form

privacyAgreement String

'Y' or 'N' if relation agrees with privacy statement

privacyUrl String

link to privacy statement as used in the form

consentText String

text of consent remark on the form

consentAgreement String

'Y' or 'N' if relation agrees with consent text

ip String

address of relation that submitted the form

Success 200

Field Type Description
TRUE Boolean

if action succeeded.

Error 4xx

Name Description

An error message.

ListManagers - Start Listmanager

Start a listmanager for the given relation{listId}/subscribe


Field Type Description
listId Number

id of listmanager to start

relId Number

id of relation for whom the listmanager is started

skipOptin String

if set to 'Y', skip the optin step

admin Number

administration id of caller (used as authentication)

key String

administration API access key of caller (used as authentication)

Success 200

Field Type Description
TRUE Boolean

if action succeeded.

Error 4xx

Name Description

An error message.

ListManagers - Stop Listmanager

Stop a listmanager for the given relation. Note that this only removes from associated groups, creates an unsubscribe event and removes planned emails.{listId}/unsubscribe


Field Type Description
listId Number

id of listmanager to stop

relId Number

id of relation for whom the listmanager is started

reason String

reason to stop - will be added as 'contact' with the relation

admin Number

administration id of caller (used as authentication)

key String

administration API access key of caller (used as authentication)

Success 200

Field Type Description
TRUE Boolean

if action succeeded.

Error 4xx

Name Description

An error message.


Orders - End Existing Subscription

End an existing subscription with a given date{id}/end


Field Type Description
endDate Date

date that the subscription should end. Use format 'DD-MM-YYYY'

id Number

of the existing subscription

admin Number

administration id of caller (used as authentication)

key String

administration API access key of caller (used as authentication)

Success 200

Field Type Description
result Boolean


Error 4xx

Name Description

An error message.

Orders - Get PDF invoice for Given Invoice Number

Get PDF invoice for Given Invoice Number{invoiceNumber}


Field Type Description
invoiceNumber String

the invoice number for which the PDF must be retrieved

admin Number

administration id of caller (used as authentication)

key String

administration API access key of caller (used as authentication)

Success 200

Field Type Description
Invoice Object

PDF file (application/pdf)

Error 4xx

Name Description

An error message.

Orders - Show Individual Invoice

Get invoice details for the provided number. Credit invoice is not supported.{invoiceNumber}


Field Type Description
invoiceNumber String

the number of the requested invoice

admin Number

administration id of caller (used as authentication)

key String

administration API access key of caller (used as authentication)

Success 200

Field Type Description
Invoice Object

details { lines: [ { discount, sku, description, quantity, amount, vatamount, vatpercentage, ledger } ], orderId, billingId, relationEmail, relationId, invoiceNumber, invoiceDate, isCreditInvoice, amountIncl, amountExcl, amountVat, fullName, address, postalCode, city, country, btwNummer, company } ]

Error 4xx

Name Description

An error message

Orders - Show Invoices

Get invoices and credit invoices for the given period of time.


Field Type Description
dateFrom String

use this to select all (credit and normal) invoices that are created AFTER this date. Use format 'YYYY-MM-DD'

admin Number

administration id of caller (used as authentication)

key String

administration API access key of caller (used as authentication)

Success 200

Field Type Description
List Object

of invoices [ { relationEmail, invoiceNumber, description, invoiceDate, isCreditInvoice, amountIncl } ]

Error 4xx

Name Description

An error message

Orders - Show Orders for Given Relation

Get all orders for the given relation{id}


Field Type Description
id Number

the id of the relation for which orders must be collected

admin Number

administration id of caller (used as authentication)

key String

administration API access key of caller (used as authentication)

Success 200

Field Type Description
List Object

of orders [ { orderId, invoiceNumber, orderlines [ {lineType, productId, productName, quantity, subscriptionId, subscriptionBilledUntil, subscriptionEndsAt } ], purchaseDate, paid, email } ]

Error 4xx

Name Description

An error message.

Orders - Show Orders

Get paid and/or non-paid orders for the given period of time.


Field Type Description
paid String

use 'Y' for paid orders, use 'N' for unpaid orders, use '-' for paid and non-paid orders (not required)

hours Number

time-period, e.g. use 24 for all orders of the past 24 hours

admin Number

administration id of caller (used as authentication)

key String

administration API access key of caller (used as authentication)

Success 200

Field Type Description
List Object

of orders [ { orderId, relationId, relationName, relationEmail, invoiceNumber, orderlines [ {lineType, productId, productName, quantity, subscriptionId, subscriptionBilledUntil, subscriptionEnds } ], purchaseDate, paid } ]

Error 4xx

Name Description

An error message


Relations - Add Relation To group

Add a relation to a group. If the relation is already member of the group, no action is taken.{grpId}/member/:relId


Field Type Description
grpId Number

id of the group

relId Number

id of the relation to add

admin Number

administration id of caller (used as authentication)

key String

administration API access key of caller (used as authentication)

Success 200

Field Type Description
result Boolean


Error 4xx

Name Description

An error message

Relations - Create New Free Field within an Administration

Create a new free field. The provided fieldName must be unique.


Field Type Description
fieldName String

A unique name of the field (only a..Z characters or underscore, no spaces, length < 60)

fieldLabel String

Label of the field shown in the administration

fieldType String

Use one of these values: [boolean,string,list]

fieldOptions String

If the type is 'list', provide a comma separated list of values (total length < 2048)

admin Number

administration id of caller (used as authentication)

key String

administration API access key of caller (used as authentication)

Success 200

Field Type Description
id Number

of created field

Error 4xx

Name Description

An error message.

Relations - Create or Update Relation

Create a new relation if the email is not known in the administration. Otherwise update the relation.


Field Type Description
email String

email address for relation to create. If a relation with this email already exists, the other fields are used to update the relation

firstName String

first name for relation (not required)

suffix String

suffix for relation (not required)

lastName String

last name for relation (not required)

gender String

relation gender, use M (male) or F (female) or - (not required)

type String

1-character relation type (not required)

password String

relation password, must be minimal 6 and max 20 characters long (not required)

customer String

flag indicating if the relation should be activated as customer in the system (not required). Values: 'y' or 'n'

admin Number

administration id of caller (used as authentication)

key String

administration API access key of caller (used as authentication)

Success 200

Field Type Description
relation Object

{ id, firstName, suffix, lastName, email, funnelState, gender }

Error 4xx

Name Description

An error message.

Relations - Get All Groups

Get all groups within an administration.


Field Type Description
admin Number

administration id of caller (used as authentication)

key String

administration API access key of caller (used as authentication)

Success 200

Field Type Description
groups Object

[ { id, title } ]

Error 4xx

Name Description

An error message.

Relations - Get Relations in Group

Get all relations that are member of the given group.{grpId}/relations


Field Type Description
grpId Number

id of the group

admin Number

administration id of caller (used as authentication)

key String

administration API access key of caller (used as authentication)

Success 200

Field Type Description
relations Object

[ { id, firstName, suffix, lastName, email, funnelState, gender } ]

Error 4xx

Name Description

An error message.

Relations - Load Relation by Email

Returns a relation details object for a given email address


Field Type Description
email String

emailaddress of relation to search for

admin Number

administration id of caller (used as authentication)

key String

administration API access key of caller (used as authentication)

Success 200

Field Type Description
relation Object

{ id, firstName, suffix, lastName, email, funnelState, gender }

Error 4xx

Name Description

An error message.

Relations - Load Relation by Id

Returns a relation details object for a given id{id}


Field Type Description
id Number

id of relation to load

admin Number

administration id of caller (used as authentication)

key String

administration API access key of caller (used as authentication)

Success 200

Field Type Description
relation Object

{ id, firstName, suffix, lastName, email, funnelState, gender }

Error 4xx

Name Description

An error message.

Relations - Remove Relation From group

Remove a relation from a group. If the relation is not member of the group, no action is taken.{grpId}/member/{relId}


Field Type Description
grpId Number

id of the group

relId Number

id of the relation to remove

admin Number

administration id of caller (used as authentication)

key String

administration API access key of caller (used as authentication)

Success 200

Field Type Description
result Boolean


Error 4xx

Name Description

An error message.

Relations - Show subscriptions

Returns a list of listmanager-id's for which the given relation subscribed and/or unsubscribed{id}/subscriptions


Field Type Description
id Number

the id of the relation

admin Number

administration id of caller (used as authentication)

key String

administration API access key of caller (used as authentication)

Success 200

Field Type Description
List Object

of (un)subscriptions [ { campaignId, relationId, subscribedFlag (U or S), eventDate } ]

Error 4xx

Name Description

An error message.

Relations - Update Relation Email

Update the email address of an existing relation{id}/email


Field Type Description
newemail String

new email address for the existing relation

id Number

of the existing relation

admin Number

administration id of caller (used as authentication)

key String

administration API access key of caller (used as authentication)

Success 200

Field Type Description
result Boolean


Error 4xx

Name Description

An error message.


Tags - Add Tag To Relation with given email

Add a tag to a relation with the given email address. If the tag is already associated to the relation, no action is taken.{tagId}


Field Type Description
tagId Number

id of the tag to add

email String

address of the relation

admin Number

administration id of caller (used as authentication)

key String

administration API access key of caller (used as authentication)

Success 200

Field Type Description
status String


Error 4xx

Name Description

An error message.

Tags - Add Tag To Relation

Add a tag to a relation. If the tag is already associated to the relation, no action is taken.{relId}/addtag/{tagId}


Field Type Description
relId Number

id of the relation

tagId Number

id of the tag to add

admin Number

administration id of caller (used as authentication)

key String

administration API access key of caller (used as authentication)

Success 200

Field Type Description
result Boolean


Error 4xx

Name Description

An error message.

Tags - Remove Tag From Relation

Remove a tag from a relation. If the tag was not associated to the relation, no action is taken.{relId}/removetag/{tagId}


Field Type Description
relId Number

id of the relation

tagId Number

id of the tag to remove

admin Number

administration id of caller (used as authentication)

key String

administration API access key of caller (used as authentication)

Success 200

Field Type Description
result Boolean


Error 4xx

Name Description

An error message.

Tags - Set a Free field For a Relation

Assign a free field to a relation. If the field is already associated to the relation, the value is updated.{relId}/setfield


Field Type Description
relId Number

id of the relation

fieldCode String

code of the free field to add or update

fieldValue String

the new value the field should be set to

admin Number

administration id of caller (used as authentication)

key String

administration API access key of caller (used as authentication)

Success 200

Field Type Description
result Boolean


Error 4xx

Name Description

An error message.

Tags - Show tags for relation

Returns a list of tags that are associated with the given relation{id}/tags


Field Type Description
id Number

the id of the relation

admin Number

administration id of caller (used as authentication)

key String

administration API access key of caller (used as authentication)

Success 200

Field Type Description
Array String

List of of tagnames

Error 4xx

Name Description

An error message.

Generated on 2023-04-12T04:32:50.249Z